英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 08:51:34
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1. Proposition 76 calls for a state spending cap and Proposition 77 would strip lawmakers of the power to draw political boundaries.

2. One shows a contemptuous Palestinian man forced to strip down to his underwear and shirt in front of Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint.

3. Galaxy Entertainment made an additional investment last year to speed up construction of the resort in Macao's Cotai strip to tap a gambling boom.

4. The former barracks of the French Marine forces has been turned into a chic bar, coffee shop and restaurant strip.

5. The huge growth comes on the back of a massive expansion on the island and an adjacent stretch of reclaimed land called the Cotai Strip.

6. Production of the color control strip posed a number of challenges for the researchers, as it had to meet several different requirements.

7. A shrinking workforce means that wage growth will get even faster and finally strip the country of the competitive edge in terms of labor costs.

8. The Israeli army pulled out of the area in 2000, 22 years after it moved in to fight Palestinian guerrillas who controlled a border strip.

9. Rainstorms on Friday lashed a large strip of areas from southwest China to northeast China, bringing coolness as well as transportation havoc to big cities.

10. A senior court legal adviser had recommended earlier this year that the court strip Cresson of 50 per cent of her EU pension.

1. This left just a strip of warning lights in the area behind the steering wheel.


2. A fan used especially in India, made of a palm frond or strip of cloth hung from the ceiling and moved by a servant.

3. a strip of的解释

3. It showed that there is a big difference between digital control strips made by varieties of software. The results can be significant for the application of the digital control strip in digital printing.

4. When I arrived, I was placed in the tower with a view of the pool, but I wanted a view of the Strip; the hotel staff met my request and I ended up with a beautiful view of the Strip and mountains.

5. When he was at the height of his success, he was lionized as a Dick Tracy-esque comic strip.
在他事业成功的顶峰的时候,他被奉为至尊神探Dick Tracy那样漫画式的形象。

6. Printing A thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type.

7. And relying on this, our laboratory proposes a new cladding method. By means of large dynamic explicit FEM code ANSYS/LS-DYNA, the numerical simulation was carried out in bimetal forming process. During the simulation of the forming process, the large deformation of the strip should be considered, as well as geometrical and material nonlinear, the contact between the roller and the strip, the contact between two metal sheets and the load. As for these problems, we can use node to surface contact and relative parameters, BISO model is introduced, the load is applied as array.
本文采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA计算程序为分析工具,对锯齿形双金属复合板成型过程进行计算机数值模拟,在对轧制过程模拟时,针对轧件变形的几何非线性和材料非线性特点、轧辊与轧件间的接触、轧件间的接触以及模型的加载等问题,给出了在ANSYS/LS-DYNA中相应的解决方法:应用NODE TO SURFACE 接触方式,设定相应参数,选用双线性等向硬化模型,载荷作为ARRAY施加在刚体质心。

8. They are also much narrower than the usual width of the other banners, and both edges are hemmed with a strip of silk binding, instead of being merely painted with a dark brown pigment as is commonly seen.

9. The plasma arc generator comprises cathode, two anodes and insulating strip between two anodes, first anode is cylindrical hollow sleeve, the cylinder cathode is placed in the centre of said sleeve, and an annular fluid channel is formed between both the lower portion of first anode is equipped with a hole as fluid outlet, and second anode is a circular plate with central hole, between two anodes there is an insulating strip, the diameter of central hole of second anode is less than the diameter of lower hole of first anode.

10. a strip of的翻译

10. A rigid strip of metal; a table made of rigid plastic; a palace guardsman stiff as a poker.

11. Company is located in the emerging industrial city in northwest Hubei Province - Zaoyang, Han- Patrick Lau hometown, Zaoyang City Economic and Technological Development Zone Xicheng Industrial Center Strip, according to Han-Dan-South Railway, north of 316 National Road, convenient transportation connections, with five plant, a scientific research institutions.

12. a strip of的翻译

12. Strip of a thin film, ! is also very good to eat.

13. a strip of的解释

13. Scanner is a strip of optoelectronic devices, and it is the process of graphics recognition campaign.

14. a strip of的翻译

14. Roll coater an apparatus used to apply paint, conversion coating, or other liquid coating to a strip of metal.

15. Objective To establish and evaluate a gold immunochromatographic strip test for detection and differentiation of Plasmodium vivax and P. falciporum.

16. As a result of the use of highly local heating of the application side of the carrier strip according to the present invention, activation of the image transfer label is obtained without the carrier strip or the surface of the container being heated to a substantial extent.

17. Farina doesn't appear often in the strip, and as such Pastis is forced to reintroduce her every time she appears (from The Crass Menagerie; Pastis said in Sgt. Piggy's Lonely Hearts Club Comic that part of the reason why he doesn't draw her as often is because she is the only character who requires a drafting compass to draw and he usually cuts himself using it).

18. Deep water paper, thermal fax paper, Sham Tseng polyester cardboard, Sham Tseng pressure records paper, electroenciphalogram paper, low voltage electric susceptibility, oscilloscopic using paper, elctroacoustic paper, force are paper, meteorological record sheets and regulator inked ribbons for paper, thermal paper, ECG velcanized, bolgarii fax paper, spark a transcript of the shadow fax paper, pH test strip velcanized, hydrogen sulfide, carbon paper analysis paper, multi-powder-electrogenerated paper, sound paper, instrument records velcanized, potassium chloride punch holes in the paper, paper, electrostatic aunt of paper.

19. This paper utilizes the successful tracking ability of the iterated optical flow approach within the tracking distance of less than 30 pixels, and develops a new method for image matching and determining the corresponding 3D points. Test results verify that it can determine about one point per 1.5m2 (≈9×9pixels). Also, it can automatically determine one point per 6.8m2 (≈20×20pixels) and one point per 0.2m2 (≈3×3pixels) in occlusion and tree areas, respectively. Moreover, those matched points are checked by aero triangulation. For example, totally 7473 tie points on 6 images are regarded to be successfully matched from 6 overlapping images in a strip by the proposed method. Only 50 tie points are mismatched points detected by reliability theory.
本文运用光流迭代法在30 个像元以内可以成功追踪同名像点的能力,针对现今高重叠率空照数位影像,设计出一套自动化萃取大量特徵点并加以追踪、匹配其同名点群的方法,实验成果验证这一个新方法确实可以匹配出平均约1.5 平方公尺(约9 x 9 个像元)便有一个匹配点(本文的实验影像的一个像元大小对应於地面是0.13m x 0.13m)的高密度点云,而传统航空摄影测量中不易产生连结点的区域,如遮蔽区、阴影区、树表面等也可因此大幅提高匹配点密度,以本文遮蔽区为例,平均约6.8 平方公尺(约 20 x 20 个像元)便有一个匹配点,树表面平均约0.2 平方公尺(约3 x 3 个像元)便有一个匹配点。

20. a strip of

20. You can have an entire comic strip with one central character or a large group of them.

Cell Side: The base (Celluloid) surface of a strip of film.(赛璐珞面(片基面):一条胶片的片基(赛璐珞)表面。)
Do not attempt to pull out the object, rather immobilize the dogs muzzle using a strip of cloth or a muzzle.(不要试图把东西拉出来,而是用一条布或口罩将狗狗的口鼻固定住。)
For measuring rotary acceleration this material can be in the form of a disk, for linear acceleration it is formed as a strip of metal (see picture on top).(旋转加速度测量这种材料可以在一个磁盘的形式,线性加速把它当作金属带组成(见上面图片)。)
A strip of wood or metal separating and holding panes of glass in a window.(窗格条窗户上用来隔开和固定窗玻璃片的木条或者金属条。)
The runway is simply a strip of grass.(所谓跑道不过是一长条草地而已。)
The so-called buffer zone is a strip of land that borders Georgia and its breakaway region of South Ossetia.(这个所谓的缓冲区是格鲁吉亚和分离地区南奥塞梯之间的地带。)
In one surprising finding, Povinelli correctly predicted that light being guided down a strip of silicon would exert a mechanical force on an adjacent strip.(在一次令人惊讶的发现中,米切尔·波维内丽正确预测了被成功引导在一条硅片上的光可以对附近的另一条硅片产生机械力的作用。)
He pushes a strip of animal hide through the hole. And - suddenly - you and I are born.(他让一条兽皮通过孔洞,-突然-你和我都出生了。)
He tied a metal key and a strip of silk to the kite line.(他把一把金属钥匙和一条丝绸系在风筝线上。)
Penfield discovered that each part of the body was clearly mapped out in a strip of cortex on the brain's opposite side.(潘菲尔德发现身体的每一部分都可以清楚地在相反的大脑一侧皮质带上标志出来。)
a strip of是什么意思 a strip of在线翻译 a strip of什么意思 a strip of的意思 a strip of的翻译 a strip of的解释 a strip of的发音 a strip of的同义词